Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Upcycle Bottle-Thanksgiving

If you have an old wine or liquor bottle lying around, now is the time to take it out and do something cool with it. You can reuse it and create a nice holiday decoration piece.

Materials: Liquor bottle, burlap, scissors, spray paint, sharpie, glue gun, wood letters, acrylic paint and a foam brush.

Step 1: Remove any labels from your bottle. Clean and dry it. Make sure once it's dried and that there are no water marks.

Step 2: Take your clean bottle outside, set up an area where you can spray paint. (WARNING: When painting make sure you pay special attention to the weather. Make sure there is no wind, even the slightest bit of wind is enough to make spray paint fumes go to places you do not want them to go, for example your car a couple of feet away. Oops).

Step 3: Follow the painting directions on the spray paint bottle. You will have to paint over the bottle several times to achieve the color you desire.

Step 4: Once your bottle is painted, pick the side you want to put the burlap on. (For this bottle, I picked the side that had the engraving on the glass. Once I glue the burlap on, you will not be able to see this).

Step 5: Put the bottle over the burlap and trace out the outline. (Warning: I traced my outline after I had painted it and I accidentally got some sharpie on the bottle so either trace it before you paint it or just be very careful when you trace the outline).

Step 6: Cut out the burlap outline.

Step 7: Grab your glue gun and start gluing the edges of the bottle and place the burlap on top. Glue a couple of inches at a time so you have the flexibility of moving the burlap around.

Step 8: Once your burlap is glued onto your bottle, grab your wood letters and paint them to your desired color.

Step 9: Once your wood letters are dried, start gluing them on top of the bottle.

Step 10: Let everything set and then decorate any room of the house with your beautiful bottle :) 

Happy Thanksgiving!!!