Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Decorate Letters for Nursery

These personalized wooden letters are a cute and adorable gift to give to any mother-to-be to hang in the nursery and decorate that room for many years to come. They are super easy to make and will not take too much time :)

Materials: Wooden letters, scrapbook paper, paint, embellishments, scissors, x-acto knife, mod podge, foam brush and a glue gun.

Step 1: Purchase wooden alphabet letters of the baby's name (letters can be purchased at craft stores such as Michaels).
Step 2: Purchase scrapbook paper, paint and any embellishments you want to add to your letters.

Step 3: Paint the inside and outside sides of the letters using a foam brush.

Step 4: Place wooden letter on top of scrapbook paper and using a pencil trace the letter onto the paper. Cut the letter out using either scissors or x-acto knife (whatever you are comfortable using). Place the paper letter on top of the wooden letter and use the x-acto knife to trim any adjustments.

Step 5: Use Mod Podge and cover the back of the letter with a layer the adhesive. 

Step 6: Apply the paper letter to the corresponding wooden block and smooth it out (you can use a ruler or your fingers).
Step 7: You can mod podge the top of the letter to give it some sheen and texture.

Step 8: Let the letter dry and use glue gun to adhere any embellishments  you want to the letters (I used purple flowers to tie in the purple I painted on the sides of the letters).


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